Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the FAQs to find the answers to common questions. Can't find your question answered here? Contact us.

Is it necessary to bring the Registration Ticket?

Yes. In order to have a correct control about your details and personal information, It’s important. We have a control about every personal and payment data, but with your ticket printed you can justify to us any situation. Through this document is a receip about your payment.

So, please do not forget to present your document when you first attend the conference information desk.

Will I need a VISA to travel to Spain?

May be. Please check this link to know wich countries must to need it. If so, contact with Spanish embassy in your country to ask for information and be able to enter to Spain without problems.

Important: Do it at least 6 months before your trip.

If you need a document from our Organization to present at the embassy, please contact us and request it.

Third World countries have an special price?

If you are from: China, Vietnam, Africa, India, Pakistan, Pacific Islands, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba or another third world country, please aks for help with either flight costs or conference costs by filling and sending the form below…

Third World Contact

Will there be an interpreter in my Sign Language?

Conference services only provide International Sign Language interpreters, so each group must come with an interpreter from his own country. If there’s not, please contact with us.

I have some allergies. What I have to do?

When you Register to the Conference, please explain about each food allergies. There’re an specific field for this. If you want to tell us anything more, there’re a field named “Coments” that you can use as you want.